
East Kentucky gets more Social!

Your East Kentucky chapter can now be found on Twitter and LinkedIn!

Find us @AIAEKC on Twitter.  Twitter will allow us to create a better dialog among members and the public.  We have also created a members only list where, as a member, you can post tweets that are public and will display on this list collectively with other members.  Check this list out now at https://twitter.com/#!/AIAEKC/ekc-members.

Signing up for twitter is easy!  All you need is a full name, email, and password to signup.  Sign up now at www.twitter.com

East Kentucky is also on LinkedIn as a group!  This group is private for East Kentucky members only.  If you are on LinkedIn or are going to sign up, please request to be added to the group here and once added you will be able to communicate with your peers in East Kentucky.  http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=4222967&trk=anet_ug_hm

How long have you been a member of the AIA?

East's shared items

AIA East Kentucky's Facebook Notes