
AIA Ohio Valley Region CES Survey

Melinda Vance with AIA Ohio Valley Region needs your input, regarding Continuing Education. AIA OVR has prepared a very short survey. Please complete the survey by clicking here<http://www.formstack.com/forms/cherubinidesigns-aia_ces_survey>. This survey is being sent to all members of the AIA Ohio Valley Region, which includes AIA Indiana, AIA Kentucky and AIA Ohio.


2011 EKC Planning Meeting - now in session!

Your new AIA EKC elected officials, plus committee chairs and other EKC members, are hard at work right now at the offices of EOP Architects - planning for the upcoming year. We're discussing old and new committees, chapter goals and how to improve your membership experience! Stay tuned for new information!
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How long have you been a member of the AIA?

East's shared items

AIA East Kentucky's Facebook Notes