

EKC’s Executive Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month, at 12:00 pm to receive reports on on-going programs from active volunteers and conduct chapter business. Currently, meetings are being held at the offices of RossTarrant Architects at 101 Old Lafayette Avenue, Lexington. Lunch can be provided, but RSVP’s are necessary if a lunch is desired. A standing, open invitation exists for ALL MEMBERS. Contact Jeff Stivers (info@aia-ekc.org) if you are interested in attending or have any other questions. Please feel free to attend to see what your chapter is up to. As always, your AIA EKC experience is what you make of it. GET INVOLVED.



Having successfully closed the books on 2009, EKC’s leadership for 2010 is looking forward to building on past years’ successes. The current leadership is made of the following volunteers:

Executive Committee
Jeffrey C. Stivers, AIA – President
Derek Brooks, AIA – President-Elect
Harold Snider, AIA - Treasurer
Amy Lett, AIA – Secretary
Mike Sparkman, AIA – Director (Past President)
Kenny Donnelly, AIA – Director (Past President)
Jessica Walker, Associate AIA - Director

On-Going Programs and Leading Volunteers include
Government Affairs – Derek Brooks, AIA
Continuing Education – Marcus Highland, AIA
COTE - Mike Sparkman, AIA
Tradeshow - Jessica Walker, Associate AIA
IDP Coordinator - Daniel Ware, AIA
Community Events - Kenny Donnelly, AIA

EKC is always looking for additional programs and volunteers. If you have any ideas or interest in becoming more involved in AIA EKC, please contact Jeff Stivers (info@aia-ekc.org).

MONTHLY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS. EKC’s Executive Committee meets the first Tuesday of every month, at 12:00 pm to receive reports on on-going programs from active volunteers and conduct chapter business. Currently, meetings are being held at the offices of RossTarrant Architects at 101 Old Lafayette Avenue, Lexington. Lunch can be provided, but RSVP’s are necessary if a lunch is desired. A standing, open invitation exists for ALL MEMBERS. Contact Jeff Stivers (info@aia-ekc.org) if you are interested in attending or have any other questions. Please feel free to attend to see what your chapter is up to. As always, your AIA EKC experience is what you make of it. GET INVOLVED.

Amy Lett

AIA-EKC Secretary

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